Who We Are
Owned by the Indigenous People of Bristol Bay
Bristol Bay: A place of tremendous beauty.
CCI Industrial Service's parent company is Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC). Our owners, the shareholders of BBNC, are the Eskimo, Indian and Aleut people of the Bristol Bay region of Alaska.
BBNC is an Alaska Native regional corporation founded and organized pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA). As of October 1, 2010, BBNC had approximately 8,700 shareholders. BBNC and its shareholders own roughly three million acres of land, including surface and subsurface estate. This land is located in one of the most varied and beautiful regions of our country with breathtaking landscapes and an abundance of natural resources.
Since inception in 1971, the corporation has grown and developed its business acumen and managerial capacity. Today, BBNC's investments include a stock portfolio, subsidiary operating companies and diversified investments to provide thirty-two consecutive years of regular and increasing dividend distributions to its Alaska Native shareholders.
BBNC's board of directors and executive management guide the activities of the corporation with a strict focus on protecting the best interests of its shareholders, maintaining and growing annual dividends, and celebrating and preserving the Alaska Native culture of BBNC shareholders.
The employees of CCI Industrial Services are proud of the cultural heritage of the indigenous people of the Bristol Bay region of Alaska, our owners. We strive every day to emulate their traditions of a strong work ethic, integrity in all that we do, and support for the communities where we live and work.